Reflections 1

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Reflections 1.jpg

Reflections 1


30in x 30in
oil on canvas
*original SOLD

Some thoughts from the artist:

"The wound is where the light enters you." - Rumi

Some wounds are so deep, so painful, so significant that the work of healing transforms a soul in ways that are beyond words or expressions to the rational mind.

My wound was so deep, so dark, I didn't know who would emerge on the other side once I took the first steps toward healing.

My healing was violent, guttural, solitary. The Infinite Abyss called to me like a siren and I sank deep, deep, deep below the dark murky surface. It enveloped and consumed me. But, like a Phoenix, I needed to let it burn all of me in order to start anew - to be reborn - more vibrant, brilliant, ferocious.

My soul traveled to depths no one could go.
And when I surfaced, I brought a strength and resilience with me that the wound had caused me to forget.

The wound did not win.
The light found me in the Infinite Abyss.

Prints on stretched canvas available

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